About Chickens
Breeds A-Z:
- Ameraucana
- Andalusian
- Araucana
- Australorp
- Ayam Cemani
- Barnevelder
- Belgian d’Uccle
- Black Star
- Brahma
- Bresse
- Buckeye
- Cochin
- Cornish
- Crevecoeur
- Cubalaya
- Cuckoo Marans
- Delaware
- Dominique
- Dorking
- Dutch Bantam
- Easter Egger
- Faverolles
- Frizzle
- Golden Comet
- Hamburg
- Houdan
- Hybrid
- ISA Brown
- Jersey Giant
- Leghorn
- Minorca
- Naked Neck
- New Hampshire
- Onagadori
- Orpingtons
- Phoenix
- Plymouth Rock
- Polish
- Red Jungle Fowl
- Red Ranger
- Rhode Island Red
- Sebright
- Serama
- Silkie
- Sultan
- Sussex
- Swedish Flower
- Welsummer
- White Rock
- Wyandotte
Your Chicken Checklist:
- Layers Pellets.
- Gritt.
- Some form of treat e.g. corn.
- Shavings.
- A reasonably sized chicken coop.
- A space for your chickens to move around in.
If you do purchase any chickens make
sure that you are purchasing more than 1. I recommend having 3 at the minimum because if you have one, the chicken will get depressed. If you have two and something happens to one the remaining one will get depressed.